Christmasses and Masterclasses

Yes, the shortest day is behind us and we're heading into the light! But first some quiet time with Christmas lights, delicious food, long walks and family.
The Open Studios at our lovely studios in Amsterdam East was a great success. Thank you to all of you who came out and it was so nice to get a chance to meet some of you. It was a really busy day! If you had wanted to come but couldn't make it, please always feel free to reach out to arrange a visit on another day!
2023 is set to bring new and exciting things, kicking off with an exhibition in February, at the Wackers Academy " From Student to Teacher", featuring all 5 teachers who started out as students at the academy. More about that in another post.
What I really wanted to tell you about now is the weekend Masterclass I am doing in conjunction with the exhibition: De Mens in Vlak en Kleur (People in Colour and Shape - no it doesn't really translate, does it?) Anyway, registration is now open here . I'm very excited about and hope to see some of you there. It will be a fun and intensive weekend working straight from the model and exploring colour when painting the model and portraits.
That's all from me! Here's a recent painting "Sunflower Spray" which will be on its way to the Whitethorn Gallery in Clifden, Connemara in the New Year. A new collaboration for me!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year wherever you are!