Saying Goodbye

People often ask me if its difficult to say goodbye to my paintings when someone buys them. When I started out I must admit it was hard. Over the years I've learned to get used to it though, and now I actually get excited when I'm packaging up paintings to send all over the world. This week I said goodbye to 'Blue Masai', below.This is such a special painting! It's one of two I painted on Lamu Island off the coast of Kenya in 2013, during the painters festival there. Iniitally it was the colour of the robes I wanted to paint, but I also wanted to create some alternative to the cliched images we have of the Masai. I hope I succeded in some way to do this.

This one has gone to New York. The other one is in Dubai. And John, the very gracious Masai man who posed for me? I imagine he is still to be found selling colourful handmade Masai jewellery on Lamu.